Saturday, December 19, 2009

I Want to be a Cryptozoologist

When all this Christmas craziness is over I want to get Leethal's new kit for myself. She just came out with Connect-the-dots Stitch Sets and they are so neat. And the theme of one of the sets is Cryptozoology... That's so cool!

Photo from
She revealed one image (this unicorn) but the kit includes four other mystery images that are revealed as you embroider and connect the dots. Yes, I think that will be my after-Christmas present to myself.

Friday, December 18, 2009

My Place & Yours: My 'Me' Wardrobe

The theme for Pip's meme this week was chosen by Sandra. She chose the theme "The 'Me' Wardrobe". She wants people to think about what we have in our wardrobes that we will love no matter which way fashion trends go. Something that will be kept and worn and loved from season to season and (hopefully) year to year.
Something I have in my closet that I really love is my red and white coat. My good friend Sunny gave it to me and It's really special to me. It's warm and cozy and I almost always hear a comment about it when I go out. I've been told I looked like a Christmas present and also like Mrs. Claus. Both of which really made me smile.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009



I'm working on a new pattern right now for chunky fingerless mitts. I'm actually really liking the design but it needs a little bit of tweaking. When it's done I'll probably post the pattern here.

They are super chunky.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

One Down...

A new horse is in the shop!

More to come soon...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Doll Update

A few weeks ago I made a doll to donate to a local Waldorf school to be sold at their Fall Fair. I wasn't able to make it to the fair but someone did email me a photo of all the dolls together, waiting to be sold.

Do you see my little red-head girl in the front row? I heard that a little boy got her because he really liked her purple underwear. It's true!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Yarns

Two new yarns added to the shop tonight.

Monday, December 7, 2009

New Ideas and Adventures

On Friday Norel and Anna and I decided to hit the road for the day. We drove to Long Beach in Long Island (in Norel's red Mustang) and walked around on the beach. It was really cold and windy but so beautiful.

In more relevant news, I'm working on a special edition of horses (possibly a unicorn or two) made with some of my own hand-dyed yarn. I'm really excited about this.
Maybe you didn't know I knit horses? Maybe you would like to try knitting a horse yourself? Did you know I'm selling kits now? I'd love for you to check them out here and here! Christmas is coming up and I honestly think these could make great gifts either as the kit itself or the finished product.

I'm going to try to have a couple new Small Friends in the shop by this weekend. Wish me luck.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wherever I Lay My Hat...

The theme for Pip's meme this week is "Wherever I lay my hat, that's my home" which was chosen by Myrtle & Eunice.
I was thinking about what I would need to bring with me if I was moving around and what makes my little apartment feel like a home. Logan and I have a collection of silly wall stuff that makes me feel really happy.
Here it is.

Each one has a story behind it but there are two items of special note:
My dad bought me the bejeweled crucifix at a yard sale in Wisconsin and the embroidered unicorn is from my mom. She wrote on the back of it in pencil. It says "Follow your dreams". She's a really nice mom.

Work in Progress

Can you tell what it's going to be?

Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Luv-able & Hug-able

Last night I went to the Luv-able and Hug-able show at Gallery Hanahou. This is the third year they've done this show and I think I've been to every one. It's so much fun to see what all these different people have imagined up.
I really fell in love with the work of Hine Mizushima. I took a couple photos of her awesome felt octopi. You can see more of her amazing work here. Seriously, go look at her stuff.
And, if you can, go see this show!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What I'm Making Now

Just a few quick photos of some projects I'm working on.

First, some super simple mittens for my niece Olive. She's turning 3 next week! I'm so in love with her...
The yarn is Lion Brand Alpine Wool in the color Bay Leaf. I love the color. The yarn itself is... okay. Not great. I wish the twist was a bit tighter but I think these will turn out nicely. It's actually my first time knitting mittens flat (i.e. not in the round). The pattern can be found here. The only change I made was that I'm picking up four stitches when I start on the thumbs instead of decreasing one. And I went up one needle size for the body of the mittens. I think that's it...

I'm also working on these socks in Lion Brand Sock-Ease. I'm not really a sock knitter but I was at the Lion Brand Studio a couple weeks ago and I just thought the Rock Candy color way was so pretty. Then when my friend Josie came over the other night she saw what I was making and told me that she's working on socks in the same color! Hopefully some day we will be sock twins...

And lastly, this little embroidery. I wanted to make something quick and easy and this was what I came up with. A little snail with what is pretty much just the first word that popped into my head - Molasses. Logan was working on some embroidery as well. He's making a portrait of our friend Greg and it looks really cool. I'll show it to you another time.

One last thing! I'm on Flickr now! You can find me at


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


One completed circle scarf! And this only took me one day!
You could definitely crank a few of these out before Christmas and they only cost about $7 to make. This is actually the style that I sell at a boutique in Soho and they are quite a hit.