So, Pip over at
Meet Me at Mike's has a really sweet meme called "My Place & Yours" which basically encourages people to show off little bits about where they live and create and whatnot. I've been wanting to play along for a while and this week I'm doing it. The theme this week is "That's Nice, That's Different, That's Unusual", chosen by
Little Suitcase. And here I go!
Something in our apartment that I think is unusual but also very nice is the huge umm... piece of art we have in the living room.

Logan found it in the West Village and brought it home. The face of the blue person used to be a pretty lady but someone had drawn a mustache on her. So Calder just painted over her face and one leg to make her a zombie (I think). And this thing really is huge- it takes over the wall and you can see it from the street. I love it.
Something else that is unusual but not quite so nice is our poor little green chair. Are you wondering what the yellow thing underneath it is?

It's a huge cone of yarn... and it's literally holding up the chair.
We bought the chair at a stoop sale for cheap and it had already been mended a couple times. Now it's a bit of a hazard. But it's a really cozy chair so, for now, it stays.