If you're in the New York area you should be going to the Greetings from Mochimochi show at Gallery Hanahou.

Here's how the show is described on Gallery Hanahou's website:
"In her first solo show, craft artist Anna Hrachovec stretches the possibilities of knitting as a medium to create an expansive and wacky landscape installation. Crash-landed aliens, rat-infested skyscrapers, giant ants, and everything else that comprises the 8-foot installation is entirely hand-knitted by the artist, who used 200 balls of yarn and more than a million stitches to make it all come to life. And just for fun, the piece includes a working model train – converted into a silly knitted monster, of course!"
Fun stuff! You can find our more about Anna Hrachovec at Mochimochiland.com where she also maintains a great blog. The opening party is tomorrow from 7-9 pm and I've really been looking forward to it. Openings at Hanahou are always really casual and fun and there's usually a very nice amount of champagne...
Hope to see you there!
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