I forgot to show you something I bought in Vermont last month; this crazy awesome 'Sunset Stitchery' embroidery kit. The kit is called 'Indian Chief' and I'm not quite sure how old it is (I'm guessing 70's?) but it looks like all the supplies are still here. It's basically like a paint-by-numbers but with yarn instead of paint.
I opened the kit as soon as I got back to Brooklyn and was going to start stitching right away but after putting the fabric in the hoop I paused... The printed fabric looked really cool with the un-embroidered image in shades of tan on beige. So yeah, I'm still not quite sure what I want to do. For now it's just hanging up in the craft room... waiting for me to decide.
What do you think?
That looks so cool! And hard...well, it would be hard for me!!!