Friday, September 3, 2010

Oh, Hine

I've blogged before about how much I love the needle felted work of Hine Mizushima.
This video only makes that admiration grow stronger.
I've been making stuff lately but none of it seems interesting enough to share here... Mostly I've been trying to enjoy these last few hot days and nights while I can. I think that's okay.

p.s. If you click the link to Hine's blog, the image she has in her header is three octopi. I almost bought the green one at a show at Gallery Hanahou last year and now I'm wishing I had... Oh well.

p.p.s. I'm taking a beer brewing class at 3rd Ward this Wednesday night! I'm super excited. I think there are still spots open but the registration deadline is today. Maybe I'll let you know how it goes...

p.p.p.s. Is my craft blog becoming a crafts-and-beer blog?

p.p.p.p.s. I'd be okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. Thanks for providing this link. I love the creatures this woman makes! I can see why you wish you had purchased one when you had the chance.
